Obiora Anyanwu
Chair I Publicity & Events
Obiora Anyanwu is the Facility Manager for Aelex Legal where he oversees the effective mix of man, space and material to attain the ideal work environment. ALAN will be riding on his years of experience in the industry for maximum exposure and positive publicity as he has over 20 years experience as a law firm support management.
A graduate of Economics from University of Maiduguri and a member of Nigerian Institute of Safety Professionals, Nigeria Institute of Management, Association of Law Firm Administrators and International Facility Management Association, Obiora is a social Crusader and member of many NGOs including Nigerian Network of NGOs.
He is also an inspirational speaker, a security analyst and a talk-shop organiser on office environment and home safety.
Obiora is the Committee Chair, Publicity & Events at ALAN. He can be reached at info@alanigeria.org