Abiola Johnson is the Practice Manager of Funmi Roberts & Co. and has worked in that role for
over 14 years. She has a background in Mass Communication with a major in Public Relations but has worked
as a Practice Manager by managing the Ibadan and Lagos chambers of Funmi Roberts & Co.
since 2009.
As a professional, she is a student member of the Project Management Professionals, U.K,
Chartered Institute of Personnel Management, Chartered Institute of Administration, an
Associate of Institute of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria , Associate of Chartered
Institute of Auctioneering, Nigeria, member of Association of Law Administrators(ALA), USA and
a member of Global Business Roundtable International, South Africa.
She studied Intermediate level of French language at Alliance Francaise and has facilitated
seminars and trainings with focus on Office Management, Personnel Performance Training,
Personnel Management and also paralegal workshop on Human Resources Management.
Abiola is the Secretary at ALAN and she can be reached at the info@alanigeria.org